It's the quality of life, stupid!
Paul Burall thinks that politicians may have got it all wrong
Councillor Caroline Courtney and Joshua Hanley are part of the Liberal Democrat team for Tuffley.
Caroline, who lives on Stroud Road near to St Barnabas Church, was first elected to the city council in May 2021. She is the cabinet member for culture and leisure.
Joshua Hanley grew up in Tuffley, went to local schools and is now raising his family here.
He is a sports coach and has helped run local football teams.
If you have any issues you would like Caroline or Joshua to take up on your behalf you can get in touch with them by email at tuffleyliberaldemocrats@gmail.com
You can also follow Caroline on Facebook at fb.me/Caroline4Tuffley/
Paul Burall thinks that politicians may have got it all wrong
A few weeks ago a crocodile wandered into a village pond on the edge of Koshi Tappu national park in Eastern Nepal. Strapping on my cork hat and lasso, I went to investigate. The croc did not oblige me with an appearance but the villagers assured me that it had already made a meal of two young goats and the pond was, for the time being, useless for watering livestock.
Stephen and Maureen Martin look at the Government's new action plan
Of the major Parties, it is the Lib Dems that have been making the most positive noises about motorbikes. Richard Thomas argues that, far from being part of the solution, motorbikes are part of the problem.
John Gordon worries about the opposition to wind turbines and argues for community ownership as the way forward
Whitehall Liberal Democrat Councillors are looking for a new site for the War Memorial saved from outside the former Park Rd. Church, Bolton Rd. Darwen.