Our 2024 manifesto for Gloucester
After 20 long years of Conservative rule at Gloucester City Council, it is quite clear that it is time for a change. Liberal Democrats have a plan to put the heart back into Gloucester. At these elections only the Liberal Democrats can realistically form an alternative administration.
Gloucester Liberal Democrat leader Councillor Jeremy Hilton

Fixing the broken council
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• aim to sign-off fully audited accounts on time and we will publish the draft accounts on the council’s website as soon as they are available
• ensure that council contractors deliver value for money and meet their agreed service commitments
• strengthen the council’s finances and improving democratic oversight and scrutiny

Improving services
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• work closely with Ubico to improve the council’s waste, recycling, grounds maintenance and street cleaning services, with special attention given to enhancing autumn leaf and weed clearance from our footways
• end the unnecessary creation of arms-length companies and trusts to carry out council functions when it can be better done by the council itself
• focus more staff time on delivering and managing services rather than drafting high level strategies

Delivering regeneration
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• complete the construction of The Forum and renew emphasis on regenerating other sites such as Greyfriars, Eastgate Shopping Centre, the Fleece Hotel and HKP warehouses
• encourage the restoration and repurposing rather the demolition and new build of unloved of buildings of architectural merit, such as Spread Eagle Court
• deliver more city centre living to provide for a larger more vibrant community at the heart of Gloucester

A stronger economy
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• deliver increased income from the council’s commercial assets including its property portfolio which will also create more opportunities in the small business sector
• continue support for Gloucestershire Airport to remain an important aviation and high-tech business hub that provides for locally based skilled employment
• work closely with the University of Gloucestershire to create more employment opportunities in the city for future graduates

Building affordable homes
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• provide more affordable homes to rent for those on the housing waiting list by building new council homes whilst also working closely with registered social landlords
• tackle homelessness more effectively by ensuring that good quality support and accommodation is available for those in need and seek to secure further funding from the government to support our homeless persons’ service
• tackle the problem of empty homes across the city by working with property owners to bring them back into habitable use

Supporting communities
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• make it easy to contact the council online, by phone or in person to seek advice about an issue or services
• encourage the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner to improve neighbourhood policing in our communities
• work closely to support community groups and the voluntary sector organisations

Better civic pride
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• put the heart back into Gloucester by making the city a place where people want to raise a family and where their children will want to do the same
• make Gloucester a place renowned for its public art by protecting what we have and commissioning more public art that tells the story of Gloucester
• celebrate Gloucester amazing history more effectively. We will run an events programme in 2027 to commemorate the historical significance of the 700th anniversary of the burial of Edward II at Gloucester Abbey (now the cathedral)

Greening Gloucester
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• establish a zero-carbon council no later than 2030 and seek opportunities to produce renewable energy from council property
• improve the biodiversity of our parks and open spaces and we will employ professional gardeners to oversee the improvement of our public gardens. We will plant more trees across the city. Children’s play areas will be improved
• tackle air pollution by encouraging and promoting walking, cycling, public transport and the installation of electric vehicle charging points in council carparks

Better democracy
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• improve the engagement with the public and establish a more transparent system of decision making. Too many decisions are taking place behind closed doors
• oppose any Government attempt to abolish Gloucester City Council and replace it with a large unitary authority. Gloucester must have its own council
• respect the civil liberties of the people of Gloucester and positively support our diverse communities across the city, including a refresh of the council’s website to make it more user friendly whilst improving access to council services by email, letter, phone or in-person

A safer city
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• continue to use Public Space Protection Orders to deal with anti-social behaviour and strengthen the city protection officers team
• work with other agencies, especially the police to tackle anti-social behaviour, petty crime and make our night-time economy safer for all
• ensure that there are detailed plans in place to handle any civil emergency that could affect the city and ensure that the council’s systems and human resources are sufficiently robust to cope

A cultural city
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• deliver an improved festivals and events programme using the city’s heritage and cultural strengths, to include a new event on the alternate year to the Tall Ships Festival
• strengthen the city’s visitor attractions, to include improving the city’s museums, enhancing public spaces, better free WIFI, more public toilets and develop a vibrant hotel and restaurant offer
• work with performing artists and entertainers to make Gloucester the cultural capital of the county

A sporting city
A Liberal Democrat council will:
• explore all options for the future management of GL1 Leisure Centre and Oxstalls Sport Park to ensure that their future is secure. Never again will our swimming pools be closed for 44 days, because of poor contract oversight
• engage with the city’s sports clubs to try to support them in their aims and make sure that leisure and sports facilities serve the needs of the various sporting activities
• work with the city’s schools to ensure Gloucester children can swim before they leave school

Our manifesto for 2024
Learn more about our manifesto for the 2024 local elections in Gloucester