Environment Minister Ross Finnie today announced his intention to legislate for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Councillor Caroline Courtney and Joshua Hanley are part of the Liberal Democrat team for Tuffley.
Caroline, who lives on Stroud Road near to St Barnabas Church, was first elected to the city council in May 2021. She is the cabinet member for culture and leisure.
Joshua Hanley grew up in Tuffley, went to local schools and is now raising his family here.
He is a sports coach and has helped run local football teams.
If you have any issues you would like Caroline or Joshua to take up on your behalf you can get in touch with them by email at tuffleyliberaldemocrats@gmail.com
You can also follow Caroline on Facebook at fb.me/Caroline4Tuffley/
Environment Minister Ross Finnie today announced his intention to legislate for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Responding to a question by Liberal Democrat Shadow Rural Affairs Secretary, Andrew George MP, the Prime Minister today admitted for the first time that there are concerns about the planting of GM crops in the UK.
Lord (Derek) Ezra, Liberal Democrat Energy Spokesman, will today question why the Government does not have a long-term carbon management strategy.
The Government is continuing to take no action to protect British waters from toxic ships carrying heavy oil, asbestos and PCB chemicals, despite having the power to remove the toxic ghost fleet from UK waters, according to the Liberal Democrats.
The Scottish Fishermen's Federation's 'spatial management' approach to cod recovery, launched today, has been described by Scottish Liberal Democrat MEP Elspeth Attwooll as making an important contribution to the ongoing debate about the management of Scottish fisheries.
Conference delegates in Glasgow today were told of the need for a three pronged approach in challenging Scots to change their attitude towards waste.