Call from local Lib Dems to clean up ‘health hazard’ bridge
Network Rail and TfL are being urged to clean up a railway bridge underpass which is said to be creating a “health hazard” for residents.
Councillor Caroline Courtney and Joshua Hanley are part of the Liberal Democrat team for Tuffley.
Caroline, who lives on Stroud Road near to St Barnabas Church, was first elected to the city council in May 2021. She is the cabinet member for culture and leisure.
Joshua Hanley grew up in Tuffley, went to local schools and is now raising his family here.
He is a sports coach and has helped run local football teams.
If you have any issues you would like Caroline or Joshua to take up on your behalf you can get in touch with them by email at tuffleyliberaldemocrats@gmail.com
You can also follow Caroline on Facebook at fb.me/Caroline4Tuffley/
Network Rail and TfL are being urged to clean up a railway bridge underpass which is said to be creating a “health hazard” for residents.
At this time of instability, the UK needs to strengthen our Armed Forces. But Labour – with the Conservatives and Reform – say it should be paid for by cutting international development spending. That is a big mistake. We say: tax tech giants instead.
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Plans to regenerate Anglia Square have been on-and-off for over two decades, so news that work will finally get underway will be welcomed by many.
Lib Dems are calling on the Labour Government to scrap the bus tax which kicked in over the new year.