Podsmead councillor celebrates 50 issues of email newsletter
A city councillor who started an email newsletter for residents during lockdown is celebrating the 50th issue of his email.
Councillor Sebastian Field, who represents Podsmead, began the project in April 2020, during the first national lockdown, as an extra way of communicating with residents.
Councillor Field said: "I am really pleased to have reached this milestone. I communicate with residents in Podsmead in lots of ways including traditional forms, but with lots of people at home during the lockdowns it was an extra way for me to let people know about the issues I'm working on.
"I generally send four emails a month, and each issue contains about half a dozen local stories. It can be a good way to let residents know about events, planning applications, updates on projects, and more. I've also shared fundraisers and missing pets.
"I try to keep the emails brief and to the point - everyone gets lots of emails these days.
"But my readers tell me they really value my hard work on these emails, so I will definitely keep doing them."
You can sign up for Sebastian Field's email newsletter at: https://sebastianfield.mycouncillor.org.uk/sign-up-for-my-email-newsletter