Objections flood in against plans for housing on Civil Service Sports Ground
The city council is being flooded with objections from local residents to Redrow's plan to build 89 houses on the former Civil Service Club ground.
Sport England has also requested that the planning application is rejected due to the loss of a playing field on site.
Redrow deposited plans with the city council on the 5th of August and the application became valid on the 22nd September when all documents were displayed on the city council website.
Jeremy Hilton said: "I do urge local residents to write to the council with their objections to this planning application. There is plenty of time. It won't go to the committee until next year.
"Redrow are packing far too many houses on the site and the public open space provided is stingy. Vehicular access to the site is poor causing a loss of parking spaces on Denmark Road. The removal of the slip road into Lansdown Road is unacceptable. The loss of the playing field for sport is contrary to city council planning policy."
Isabel Brazil said: "Do write to the city council with your objections. The application documents can be viewed on the city council website." www.gloucester.gov.uk Ref No.16/00968/FUL